
Land Research Center conduct a workshop on “Legal defense on Palestinian Right of Lands and Housing” / Nablus governorate

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Monday , October 8,2019  , Land research center conducted a workshop targeting legal aid offices members in 11 municipal and joint services councils in Nablus.

The workshop focused on unifying efforts and strategies in legal defense on Palestinian right of land and housing , within Securing the Palestinian Right of land and housing project Activities funded by the European Union , the workshop was held in Royal Wings hotel in Nablus with 20 participants of engineers and directors from 11 municipalities in Nablus.

D . Mohammad Al-Salimiya, the project director made a presentation on the project achievements recently , including adopting 150 cases, establishing 22 legal aid units in Nablus and Bethlehem and documenting more than 300 Israeli violations of land and housing rights cases.

Mr. Mohammad Al-Amla - LRC Geographical Information Unit head also made a presentation on recruiting GIS for  legal files preparation.

Mr. Aziz Abu Mohammad presented Legal Aid unit activities in Qablan, and Mrs. Rana Abu Haniya presented the unit’s activities in Huwwara.

The participants ended up with a better vision on the importance of Securing the Palestinian right of land and housing, and that the presented information should be passed to all West Bank governorates.

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